Much rep speed Slow is not  Explosive Muscle  way to go especially for hard-gainers Speed up lifting and control  Explosive Muscle Reviews lowering of weights Lift in less than a second and lower in about  seconds Slow and deliberate motion is not for skinny guys wanting to put on muscle mass How much rest between sets Beginners can take very short rest intervals between sets –  to  seconds depending on  Explosive Muscle  exercise being performed As you grow in strength endurance and muscle size you’ll need much longer rest –  to  minutes to allow for better recovery How long to train in one session Never go  Explosive Muscle  beyond – minutes in one session This is  Explosive Muscle  optimum duration of a training session for testosterone to build up to peak levels Any more than that and cortisol catabolic hormone will start eating away your muscle tissues It is easy for  Explosive Muscle  common people to get taken in by charlatans or by hard-sell of  Explosive Muscle  companies promoting  Explosive Muscle ir body building programs who have not an iota of.


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